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You have officially secured your ticket to one of the greatest events in the history of the world. We cannot wait to serve you and look forward to witnessing your breakthroughs and transformation.

I’m so glad you’ve choosen The Edit Experience.

Trust me when I say this is one of the best decisions you have ever made. You will not regret it! Welcome to the The Edit family. We cannot wait to get to know you. A few things to be sure to look out for and do before getting on with your day.

Step One:

Look out for your welcome email. In it you will get more information on how to prepare for your experience as well as more details about what to expect. If you don't have an email, make sure to check your spam and junk folder.   

Step Two:

Invite a friend. Think of someone in your life who you would love to do this with. Someone who needs The Edit Experience in their life. A parent, child, partner, friend, colleague etc. Doing this together is an incredible gift and adds a whole other layer to the experience. 

Step Three:

Get our App. Our app SIGMA is still in development but you can still get access to all of its eventual content already now THROUGH YOUR FREE SUBSCRIPTION to SIGMA. A big part of The Edit Experience is breath work. The SIGMA app will be stocked with guided breath work audios and lessons, so that you can get familiar with some of the tools we will be drawing on in the retreat. Once a week we do live breath work journeys that you can participate in virtually. You also get access to live weekly trainings on Zoom and Facebook with some of our facilitators and your host Mads. We also host virtual interactive habit challenges that are a game changer for implementing new habits into your life. All the details will be in your welcome email or you can just search "The Sigma App" in the App Store!    

For any questions, please email us directly at info@experiencetheedit.com

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Talk to you Soon!